BSK Fitness Management and Personal Training
IUPUI School of Health and Human Sciences

I am majoring in Fitness Management and Personal Training. It took me a while to find this path. I began college with the goal of getting a degree in Radiography and then eventually Sonography. I was admitted to the Radiography Program, and I gave it almost a year but I realized I didn't LOVE what I was doing. The whole time I was studying Radiography I was taking classes at Orange Theory Fitness. I admired the coaches and I was feeling down that I couldn't be a fitness coach, or a dancer, but then I realized that I could be! Body movement is what really interests me and brings me joy. I realized I didn't have to not love what I'm studying. I enjoy learning new things every day about Exercise Science and am always eager for more knowledge.
IUPUI School of Health and Human Sciences
I am minoring in Dance. Aside from loving dance and wanting to grow as a dancer, I chose this minor because I didn't learn much technique or terminology from the studio I was at growing up. I had always felt like I didn't have what it takes to be a dance teacher because I didn't know enough, so I'm thankful for the opportunity to learn more dance technique and combine that with what I'm learning for my major!

pc: Alexandra Anne Photography