About me
My personal training style is encouraging, uplifting, and personalized to help others enjoy working out!

Dancing has shaped who I am and my interests to this day. Dance was the only sport my mom ever put me in as a child. However, I am so grateful my mom put me in dance. I still dance to this day in the student organization at IUPUI, The Moving Company. The Moving Company has been an amazing experience for me. Growing up, I never had much training in technique, flexibility, strength, and I didn't learn a wide variety of movements. I felt behind all other dancers my age. I gave up on dance for several years before finding college and The Moving Company (MOCO). MOCO resparked my passion and excitement for dance. The organization has pushed me to challenge myself in and out of practice, mentally and physically. I've had to learn dances very quickly and keep up to eight dances memorized at a time. MOCO had a large part in inspiring me to even be a dance teacher one day and change my major to something that brings me happiness.

College has given me the opportunity to do things I missed out on doing in High School. It gave me a fresh start to put myself out there and not let anything stand in my way. I was feeling sorry for myself for so long for never joining a dance team in high school and for not taking dance classes because I was scared I wouldn't be good enough. Now, I'm part of a dance organization and I'm taking dance classes as part of my education! During my time in college, I also learned the importance of doing what you love which led me to changing my major to Fitness Management and Personal Training with a minor in Dance.